Chiropractic adjustments restore proper nervous system function, which controls every system in your body. By improving spinal alignment, care can enhance immune function, increase energy, and optimize your body's natural healing abilities.
Neurological chiropractic uses specialized testing and protocols that target the spine-nervous system relationship at a deeper level. This approach allows for precise treatment of complex conditions that standard care may not address effectively.
Many patients experience improvement after their first few visits, especially for acute conditions. Chronic issues typically show meaningful progress within 2-4 weeks of beginning customized treatment.
Adjustments are extremely safe with minimal risk. Most patients describe the sensation as a brief pressure followed by immediate relief. Any "popping" sound is simply gas being released from the joint.
Dr. Potts specializes in prescribing targeted corrective exercises that complement adjustments for lasting results. These specialized movements strengthen weak areas, improve posture, and retrain movement patterns to prevent recurring issues and build resilience against future injury.
New Patient Special: $39 Initial Visit. Book your appointment now and take advantage of our new patient offer for a comprehensive consultation and assessment.